Mail Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus
What is spam and who are spammers? |
Spam is a huge problem for anyone who gets Email
The word "Spam" as applied to Email means Unsolicited
Bulk Email. Unsolicited means that the Recipient has not granted
verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Bulk means that
the message is sent as part of a larger collection of messages,
all having substantively identical content. A message is Spam
only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk.
If you send or receive Email, you probably get a lot of junk Email,
also known as spam. Spam is a profitable business for the senders:
it's cheap to send out millions, even billions, of Email messages,
even if a small percentage of a hundred million people buy something
in response to a spam Email message.
How Do They Get My Address?
- Via newsgroups and chat rooms, especially on big sites.
- Via the Web itself. There are tens of millions of Web sites
containing Email addresses, which are scanned by spammers.
- Via sites created specifically to attract Email addresses.
These sites encourage users to sign-up, and collect their Email
- The most common source of Email addresses, however, is a "dictionary"
search of the Email servers of large Email hosting companies.
The University's Spam Filter
The University uses an anti-spam filter at the server
level, eliminating the need to install and update anti-spam software
on each desktop.
If you do not receive an expected message, it may be found in
our quarantine. We save quarantined messages suspected as spam
for one week. If you don’t receive messages that you were
expecting, please contact Juliana Solomon: juli@cc.huji.ac.il
Filtering Outgoing Mail
The University checks for spam in outgoing mail as well as incoming
mail. Below are a few tips to follow so that your mail will not
be suspected of being spam.
- Do not send your message to too many recipients. Please limit
the number of recipients to under 20.
If you send your mail via Webmail, you will not be able to send a message from an address which is not @..huji.ac.il.
Always logout properly when you are working with web interface (webmail, HUJImail, etc.) - Always click the logout button or link before closing your browser's window
- Do not use colors or decorations in your message
- The clock on your computer should be set to the correct time.
Messages sent from unsynchronized computers are regarded as
suspicious. If you have trouble setting your clock to summer
time, please see Setting
daylight savings time.
All mail that reaches our mail gateway checks for
viruses. Once a virus is detected, the attachment is discarded
and the rest of the message is sent to the recipient with a new
attachment that contains a message from the mail gateway antivirus.
Extensions: Attachments that end with the
following extensions : .exe, .rar, .pif, .vbs, .scr, .cmd, .bat
are blocked by many email clients. If you wish to send a file
with the listed extension, zip it first and, only then, send it.
Outmail: You need to set our mail gateway in order to scan
your outgoing messages for viruses. Set your outgoing mail (SMTP)
to outmail.huji.ac.il according to our instruction: http://ca.huji.ac.il/services/internet/mail/outmail/