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Viruses fix-Tools


Clean Zip Kaspersky AVPTool Disable Autorun Microsoft Safety
Symantec Fix tools McAfee SuperDAT TrendMicro VirusTotal
Norton Power Eraser Stinger


was developed by the Computer Authority in order to help cleaning the registry entries, in cases the Antivirus doesn't. Therefore, run the Clean tool after cleaning viruses with Antivirus.

Instructions (For complete instructions and virus list read the readme file after unzipping Clean.Zip)

* The tool is applicable for Win2000/XP
* You should run the tool only after deleting infected files with Antivirus
* You should run the tool only after ending the task of the virus, OR after restarting with Safe mode.

You can download the tool from:  http://ca.huji.ac.il/bf/fixtools/Clean.zip


A registry patch to disable the autorun functionality in Windows.

Autorun is a mechanism that starts a program when a medium is accessed or connected to the computer (for example - when a CD is inserted or a drive icon is being clicked on in Windows Explorer). It is common that viruses use this functionality to spread themselves by infecting USB and other drives.


  • The tool is applicable for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/2003/2008
  • Unzip NoAuto.zip and run NoAuto.reg by right clicking on it and selecting "Merge".
  • Reboot the computer after applying the patch.

You can download the tool from:  http://ca.huji.ac.il/bf/fixtools/NoAuto.zip
More information on Autorun: US-CERT TA09-020A

In case you wish to restore the autorun functionality, not recommended, download NoAutoCancel.zip and run it in the same manner as NoAuto. Be aware that this will make your computer more vulnerable to virus infection.

McAfee SuperDAT

SuperDAT updates all current NAI products. It also includes a command line scanner.

Using the command line scanner:

  1. Manually extract the superdat file by typing
          9923xdat.exe /e
    Note: the extraction process doesn't give any visual feedback.
  2. Using the command line scanner to scan all local drives (no removeable media):
         scan /adl /all
  3. Using the command line scanner to scan and clean all local drives (no removeable media):
         scan /adl /all /clean
Type scan /? for a complete list of options.

This tool is provided by NAI inc. free of charge and is subject to NAI's terms of service.

Downloads: (Place all files in the same directory)
  • SdatScan.exe: SdatScan automates the proccess listed above to scan and clean all local drives from viruses and unwanted programs.
  • Local (Windows): 9923xdat.exe updated on 15/03/2021
  • Local (Macintosh): Virex 6.x: Vx070801.hqx
McAfee's latest DAT: http://vil.nai.com/vil/datreadme.aspx
McAfee's FTP site: ftp://ftp.nai.com/pub/antivirus/superdat/intel/


Kaspersky AVPTool

AVPTool scans and removes viruses. It is able to remove some virus entries from the registry. AVPtool uses the full Kaspersky virus signature files - this makes it slower than other removal tools but more thorough.

  1. Use the links below to download KVRT.exe
  2. Execute KVRT.exe and follow the setup instructions.
  3. A folder named Virus Removal Tool will be created on your desktop. Open this folder and double click on Start.
  4. Once the Kasperky Virus Removal Tool is started - mark all the check boxes and click Scan.

Local: KVRT.exe updated on 21/02/2025
More Info: http://www.kaspersky.com/antivirus-removal-tool


Microsoft Safety Scanner

The Microsoft Safety Scanner is a free downloadable security tool that provides on-demand scanning and helps remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. It works with your existing antivirus software.

Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner expires 10 days after being downloaded. To rerun a scan with the latest anti-malware definitions, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner again.


  1. Use the links below to download the version that suits your computer. You can check if your windows installation is x86 or 64bit in Start->Settings -> Control Panel- > System.
  2. Execute msert.exe and follow the instructions.

32 Bit: msert.exe updated on 22/02/2025
64 Bit: msert.exe updated on 22/02/2025
More Info: http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/

TrenMicro SysClean

SysClean scans and removes viruses. It is able to remove some virus entries from the registry. SysClean uses the full TrendMicro virus signature files - this makes it slower than other removal tools but more thorough.

  1. Use the links below to download sysclean.com and lpt553.zip . Also download ssapiptn871.zip that adds spyware removal capabilities to sysclean.
  2. Unzip lpt553.zip into the same directory that contains sysclean.com
  3. Double click sysclean.com and click scan to Scan and remove viruses

Local: sysclean.com and lpt553.zip updated on March 21, 2015 Release notes
Spyware pattern: ssapiptn871.zip updated on December 30, 2009 Release notes

More Info: http://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?pattern_file=1
Spyware pattern Info: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/spywarepattern.asp


VirusTotal is a very useful site, which offers a free service for scanning suspicious files using several antivirus engines.

Link: http://www.virustotal.com



McAfee AVERT Stinger ( v10.0.0.482, January 10th, 2009 ) 
Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses and worms. Handles about 50 wide spread viruses.


Restart in safe mode

Note : Windows Me/XP users should disable System Restore prior to restarting in safe mode:

  • XP:  Start.-> Right-click My Computer -> Properties. Select Turn off System Restore or Turn off System Restore on all drives on the System Restore tab: ->Click Apply (After running the tool, you will need to turn on system restore).
  • Me: Start->Settings -> Control Panel- > System (Note: If the System icon is not visible, click View all Control Panel options to display it.)->on Performance tab click File System button-> on Troubleshooting tab, check Disable System Restore-> OK (After running the tool, you will need to turn on system restore).


Local download: stinger10000482.exe
More info: http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger

Last updated: 22/03/2015