
Connecting to SAMBA Web-VPN

  • You need to register for a HUJI connection account. If you haven't done so yet,
    connect to our registration site - http://rap.huji.ac.il.

  • CS users don't need to register, but need to use their OTP password.


  • Username: Type the username of your HUJI connection account: user%ra
  • Password: Type your ra password, or an OTP password.
  • Click Login

  • NOTE to cs users:
    Type user:otp%tcs and use your OTP password.

  • You have reached the Samba VPN portal
  • In order to start browsing,
    click the following icon:

  • A new window will open, type the address you wish to browse and then click OK
  • You have reached the desired site, at each stage you can go to another address by clicking the same browsing icon or go to the main page of Samba by clicking the home icon:

  • After you finished using the service, disconnect by clicking the X at the top of the screen

  • Approve by clicking the OK button

  • A logout confirmation message will appear. If you wish to reconnect click the Logon button

E-mail support:

If you need further help you may contact our support centers: 02-6585555, 02-5883450.


Last updated: 27/07/2011  


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