Hebrew U. Link HUCA - NEWS

News - 2010

Date Bulletin number Topics
Windows 7
Support during the university's holiday
Remote Access


The bulletins were written and distributed by Yehavi Bourvine.



[Hebrew version]

Windows 7

During February 2010 we are beginning to sell (Microsoft’s new operating system - Windows 7.

Preliminary testing has shown that Windows 7 is compatible with most services and applications that are in use at the university (such as McAfee, Samba VPN, HUJI-netX, scientific applications etc.).

Windows 7 comes in a variety of versions. The version which will be distributed and supported at the University is Windows 7 Professional (Pro). When ordering a new computer make sure it is bundled with this version.

Please note that our software shop is distributing only upgrade licenses which are suitable for computers for which a Windows operating system has already been purchased:

Prior to installation, it is important to check your software and hardware’s compatibility to Windows 7, as stated in Microsoft's site:







Support during the university's holiday (August 22-30, 2010)

Our computing systems and servers will continue to operate. We will
monitor and maintain the more critical services, such as:

* Central mail servers
* Campus communication
* Connection from home

Emergency support services will operate during the vacation, Tel:
02-6585555, according to the following schedule:

22/8-26/8 09:00-14:00
29/8-30/8 09:00-14:00

Have a nice holiday!





[Hebrew version]

Remote Access Banwidth

This message is intended for staff and students who use the university as their Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Please note that our total bandwidth for ADSL/cable connection from home is limited and is shared by many users from all the universities in Israel. Therefore we cannot effectively provide a bandwidth of more than about 5 Mb/sec (even less at the peak hours), and ordering larger bandwidth lines from Bezeq or Hot does not guarantee that you'll be able to get the bandwidth you paid for. If you need larger bandwidth then you should use one of the commercial ISPs, and use VPN connection to the university's specific services (like e-journals). More info about the VPN service: http://ca.huji.ac.il/vpn

Telephony services over HUJI's network

Some companies (like 012, Netvision, Orange) offer telephony services over the Internet (VOB). Usually they require that they also serve as your ISP, but we are aware that some users are using HUJI as their ISP while using such telephony services. The Hebrew University cannot provide any guarantee for this service. If you use it, you do so at your own risk.




Last updated: 29/10/2017
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