Hebrew U. Link NEWS

	       **** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
                       **** Computation Center ****

                            News Bulletin #52

  Today's topics:
  - Pine/Pico Email readers available.
  - Modems setup.
  - X.500 database searches.

  o Pine+Pico - Pine is an Email reader  whose  concept  is  similar  to
    BMAIL.   It  is a menu oriented interface which supports MIME (which
    allows Hebrew and non-text message transfer).  The main  differences
    between  BMAIL  and  PINE  are  that  PINE  is common on Unix and PC
    systems, and that PINE uses VMS/MAIL files and  not  BMAIL's  files.
    Thus,  it  can  be  used  by those who use today VMS/MAIL and can be
    intermixed with it (i.e.  using VMS/MAIL to read some  messages  and
    PINE for the same ones or others).
    Pico is a simple editor used inside Pine to compose messages.

    The guides of it are available at  GUIDES$  directory  as  PINE*.TXT
    (three guides).

    There are a few restrictions with the VMS version:

    1. After reading mail from the NEWMAIL folder (called also INBOX  in
       Pine) and deleting some messages you can't go directly to another
       folder but must exit PINE and re-enter it again.
    2. WASTEBASKET folder is not supported.  You can  undelete  messages
       as  long  as  you  did  not close the folder.  When the folder is
       closed the messages are actually deleted.
    3. Attachments do not work at the present version; they will work at
       the  next  version  which  was  not  released yet by the original
       authors of Pine (from the Unversity of Washington).
    Credits:  The Hebrew version was done by Helen Zomer from  the  Unix
       group of the computation center.

  o Modems setup:  We've found that most modems come  with  the  default
    setup  of  RDL  enabled  (RDL  = Remote Data Loop).  This allows the
    other modem to request the local modem to get into  test  mode  (and
    usually  making the connection stuck).  In some occassions this mode
    is entered without specific request.  In order to  prevent  it  turn
    your  RDL to off; you'll have to look at your modem's book how to do
    it; it is usually a command like AT&T  or  AT%T.   On  Dynamode  M14
    modems it is done with the command AT&T5.


o X.500 database search:

      How to find the E-mail address of the Hebrew University network users

  A new Directory Service is available now at the Computation Center;
  it allows users to query for the E-mail address of somebody from the Hebrew
  University, using the common "finger" command, available on most of
  the systems.
  All you have to do is to execute the finger command (from any computer which
  supports this command) with the name of the person you are looking for.
  The name specified  doesn't have to be spelled precisely; the searching
  algorithm will return all the Directory names which match approximately the

  There are two ways to call the "finger" command :

  a. The following format can be used if you know only the Lastname or the
     Firstname of the person to search:

     finger <name(.)>@FINGER.huji.ac.il

        where : <name> is user's Lastname or Firstname ( preferable LASTNAME).
                '.'   is for approximate matching (in case you know the name
     As a result you will get a list of all the users matching approximately the
     specified name, each one with his Department name and his E-mail address.

  b. The following format can be used only if you know the Firstname and the
     Lastname of the person to search:

     finger "Firstname Lastname"@FINGER.huji.ac.il

  FINGER.huji.ac.il is the name of the Hebrew University Directory Server.

  For example, typing:

        finger solmon@FINGER.huji.ac.il

  the following list will be displayed :

  Juliana Solomon      Computation Center  juli@shum.cc.huji.ac.il
  Claudio Salomon      Faculty of Medicine  CLAUDIO@md2.huji.ac.il
  David Shulman        Asian-African Studies  SHULMAN@hum.huji.ac.il
  Salman               CS - Graduate Student  salman@cs.huji.ac.il
  Sorin Solomon        Racah Institute of Physics
  Eli Schulman         Overseas student  mselis@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il
  Cory Shulman         School of Education, Humanities
  Sue Salomon          Soil and Water Sciences  SOIL@agri.huji.ac.il

  Next, if for instance you want to get more information about Juliana, execute
  another finger command, this time specifying both names:

        finger "Juliana Solomon"@FINGER.huji.ac.il

  For more details, please call Juliana 65-84403 or send mail to juli@shum.
  Juliana Solomon                          juli@shum.cc.huji.ac.il (MIME
  Computation Center                       voice:  +972-2-584403
  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem       fax:    +972-2-527349
  Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL