**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #40
Today's topics:
- New editor to be used in the future.
o New editor - When VMS 6 will arrive (probably in a few months) its
default editor will be TPU. You will be able to use the old EDIT
editor by using the command EDIT/EDT. It is preffered to use TPU
(invoked with the standard EDIT command); it is possible to emulate
the keypad of the EDT edittor inside TPU (called also EVE) but the
line mode commands are different and here is a summary of the
important ones (you get into line mode by pressing the key of
SET KEYPAD EDT - if your keypad is not defined as EDT one.
SET FIND CASE NOEXACT - To find strings which do not match in case
(like in EDT today). If not given, string in lower-case will match
all strings equivalent to it, either in upper or lower case. If at
least one character in the search string is upper case, only the
exact string will match.
SET CURSOR BOUND - The default behaviour is that you can move the
cursor to wherever you want and type there. Hitting this command
makes it acting like EDT in which you cannot move the cursor to
positions that do no exist.
INCLUDE FILE name - Read a file into the current position.
WRITE FILE name - Write the entire file into the given filename.
LINE number - jump to the given line.
WHAT LINE - Displays the line number of the current line.
REPLACE old-string New-string - Replace one string with another.
You'll be asked whether to replace only the next location, all, or
some. If the string contains spaces or other special characters
enclose it with "".
TOP or BOTTOM - Jump to the top or bottom of the file.
- Wild card search. See the book for more details.
EVE$INSERT_TEXT(ASCII(number)) - Inserts the character with the
given ASCII value at the current position.
Note that now hitting ^Z will execute the EXIT command also. In
order to quit hit and then the QUIT command.
A guide describing briefly the TPU editor is available at
If you want the above guide be faxed to you please send you fax
number to INFO@HUJIVMS.