Hebrew U. Link NEWS

	       **** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
                       **** Computation Center ****

                            News Bulletin #39

  Today's topics:
  - Modems setup.

    o Modems:  We've found lately that most people do not aware  of  the
    capabilities of their modems and underutilize them, while with a few
    simple commands you can make much better use of your  modem.   We'll
    soon  produce  a  short  guide  about  the modem protocols and other
    information.  In the meantime you should check your modem manual  to
    verify  that  you  use  error  correction and compression (currently
    supported are MNP.4 and MNP.5).  Quite a few users have this  option
    but  do  not turn it on.  Furthermore, when you use error correction
    and compression raise the speed of the connection between the  modem
    and  the  terminal  (or  PC) to 9,600 baud even though the telephone
    line speed is 2,400.  The reasons for it will be  discussed  in  the
    above guide.
