**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #27
Today's topics:
- News system.
- New guides in Hebrew: tapes, communication, News.
- Disconnected processes.
- Batch queues.
- New JOBS command.
- Generating PostScript files from SAS.
- MODAA (general information) service.
- CD command.
o News system: This is to remind the existence of News system on our
machine which holds an enormous amount of usefull information. The
news system is a mechanism of distributing messages worldwide
(classified by discussion topics) while creating a minimal load on
systems. The news system holds one copy of each message per machine
(or group of machines) and allows easy access with a friendly user's
interface. The topics discussed there cover almost any topic you
can think of, from real science topics to hobbies.
A guide for the user's interface we use (ANUNEWS) is available from
Maggie, along with an on-line help inside ANUNEWS.
Please do not run ANUNEWS (or other user's interface) on Fridays'
mornning (from 8:00 to 10:00) as the news database disk is being
backed-up at these hours.
o Guides in Hebrew: The following guides are available from Maggie:
News, how to use the tape system and a short introduction about
InterNet communications. If you feel some topics are missing there
please write to <a href="mailto:info@vms.huji.ac.il">INFO@VMS</a>.
o Disconnected processes: If your connection to the VAX breaks while
you are working, your process is left alive for 30 minutes. During
that period you can login again and then you'll be asked whether you
want to be connected again to the interrupted process; if you answer
positively you'll be placed back exactly at the place you were left
If your process was disconnected while it ran something, it
continues to run and consumes CPU cycles. Hence, if this happens
accidentaly please reconnect as soon as possible and stop the job if
not needed.
o Batch jobs: The following batch jobs are available for public use
(others should never be used):
SYS$FAST - Used for short work (up to 10 minutes); it runs in high
priority but is limited to one user at a time.
SYS$BATCH - Used for medium jobs that require up to one hour of CPU
SYS$LONG - this queue is unlimited in time and runs in the lowest
priority. This queue is different from the others as the jobs are
not executed on it but are spreaded over other queues on three
different machines. Please use SYS$LONG and do not submit jobs
directly to the other queues that are fed by SYS$LONG.
TAPE - used only for reading and writing tapes.
SEQ_BATCH - a special queue for jobs that requires an extraordinary
amount of memory.
SCSI_TAPE - Used for jobs that need to read/write 8mm and 4mm tapes,
or have to write a TK50 cassete (not reading it!).
o New JOBS command: A new version of the JOBS command has been
installed. The new version is much faster.
o Generating PostScript files from SAS programs: In order to generate
Postscript files from SAS program you have to add the following
statement to your SAS program (in one line):
After SAS program's execution, the file "name" is created in the
user's default directory. At the end of this file you will find a
string like "/ copies 1 store", which must be deleted. Instead of
this string, you should insert, at a new line, the string "showpage"
(of course, without ""). The new file is ready to be sent to any
laser printer.
o MODAA - A new software which let you advertize your own MODAOT was
installed. It can be operated from vt100+ terminals (i.e. VT100,
VT220, VT320, etc.) and P.C terminals using Kermit Hebrew
initialization file. The language of the MODAA can be Hebrew or
English. To use it enter WWW and choose option number 3.
o CD - A new CD command was installed; it has many many new features;
if you want to get more information try CD <RETURN>. Soon we will
add a VMS help information on this command with examples.
Format: CD [<Qualifier>] [<Parameter>]
With the qualifiers /Root /Parent /Tree you
can add a parameter. (CD alone = this screen.)
Parameter: file name or subdir name or subdirs chain or
logical name. You can use the * wildcard.
Qualifier: (only one is allowed!).
/Back Last used dir.
/Root (or "") Sys$login dir (and then subdir, if name
of subdir is added as parameter).
/Parent (or "..") Parent dir (and then subdir, if name of
subdir is added as parameter)
/Length Change prompt length (range 8..28).
/Subdirs List of subdirs.
/Dir Dir sorted by file extensions. If file name is
added as parameter detailed format is displayed.
/Tree Tree structure. If file name is added as
parameter the file is sought.
/Name Create logical name for current dir.
/Init Tune CD for non standard terminals (Visual65).
The VMS group.