Hebrew U. Link NEWS

	       **** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
                       **** Computation Center ****

                            News Bulletin #22

  Today's topics:
  - Disk space.
  - Mail files - how to clean them?
  - Exiting mail and other programs correctly.
  - Batch restarts.

  o Disk space - Our disks are  filling  over  the  maximum  recommended
    capacity.   All users are requested to delete files they do not need
    and purge old versions of files.  Please clean also old  mail  files
    which  you  don't  need, as they account for a noticeable portion of
    the occiupied disk space.

  o Mail files - how to clean them:  A lot  of  users  think  that  they
    delete  old  messages  while  in practice this is not done.  This is
    caused by a feature  of  VMS/MAIL.   When  you  delete  messages  in
    VMS/MAIL  they  are  not  deleted  immediately (not true for BMAIL).
    They are moved to a  folder  named  WASTEBASKET  so  you  can  still
    retreive them from there.  If you leave MAIL with ^C or QUIT command
    they are left  there  (although  you  think  they  are  gone).   The
    "correct" way to exit MAIL (unless you have a good reason not to) is
    to use EXIT command or ^Z.  These commands  will  clear  WASTEBASKET
    folder.   You  may  also use the command PURGE inside MAIL to do the
    real deletion of the deleted  messages  and  clear  the  WASTEBASKET

  o Exiting programs correctly - This is somewhat  a  generalization  of
    the  previous paragraph.  MAIL is just one in a set of programs that
    follow the conventions of EXIT  and  QUIT  commands:   EXIT  command
    keeps  all  the changes you have done and updates whatever is needed
    when you issue this command.  QUIT ignores  (where  applicable)  the
    changes  you  did  in the last session.  The programs that adhere to
    this convention are:  MAIL, editors, ANUNEWS and others.  BMAIL  for
    example is an exception - QUIT is treated as EXIT.

  o Batch restarts - Thinking on the coming sunctions of the electricity
    company  workers  we  would  like  to  remind  you the batch restart
    mechanism available on the VAX.  Although it is quite  primitive  it
    might give you usefull results.

         When the system stops due  to  power  failure  nothing  can  be
    remembered  about  the executing jobs.  Batch jobs are an exceptions
    as the batch controlling job saves in a file  a  list  of  executing
    batch  processes along with a setable value.  When the system starts
    after a power failure the batch manager can use this information  to
    rerun  the  batch  job.  In order for this to happen you must submit
    your job with the qualifier /RESTART.  This will cause your batch to
    be resubmitted automatically after the power failure.

         How do we know whether this is the first time or not?  A simple
    way  is provided for it.  The DCL symbol $RESTART is true if the job
    was submitted for the second time (restarted) and  false  otherwise.
    For example:


    However, this is usually not enough.  If your job consists of a  few
    steps,  each one is a different DCL step and you can restart between
    these steps you can save a value to tell  you  where  your  job  was
    checkpointed the last time.  To do it:

         $ SET RESTART_VALUE = something

    and then, if your job was restarted ($RESTART  is  true)  the  value
    given in the last SET RESTART_VALUE command is accessible in the DCL
    symbol BATCH$RESTART.