Hebrew U. Link NEWS

               **** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
                       **** Computation Center ****

                            News Bulletin #12

  Today's topics:
  - JOBS - displays information about your jobs.
  - SHOW USERS command output.

  o JOBS command - JOBS is a new command which displays the status  of
    your  currently executing jobs.  Hit the command JOBS and you'll see
    your interactive and executing  batch  jobs  status  (including  the
    program  they  run).  In the future this command will be enhanced to
    display also the print queues and  jobs  waiting  for  execution  in
    batch queues.

  o SHOW USERS command output:  Although the JOBS  command  should  give
    you  all  the needed information, a few users have misunderstood the
    output of the SHOW USER/FULL command.  This command lists  one  line
    for  each  one  of  your  jobs.   A job in this context is either an
    interactive job, a disconnected interactive job, and executing batch
    job.   The  difference  between  them  can be found by examining the
    "Terminal" coloumn:
    For interactive processes it displays the terminal name.
    For disconnected processes it displays (Disconnected), and  you  can
    recover  this job with the CONNECT command.  Note that job is stayed
    in disconnected state for up to 15 minutes.
    Subprocesses are identified by the string (Subprocess of nnnnn).
    Executing batch jobs are identified by the (Batch) string under  the
    terminal coloumn.
