Nickname e-mail addresses
What are nickname addresses?
E-mail addresses tend to be long and hard to remember. i.e.: username@server.huji.ac.il.
Even if you do know a person's username and the HUJI ending, you still
need to find out the mail server name which is part of the e-mail address.
Nickname addresses provide you with shorter and much more intuitive
addresses formats. Without additional action from your side, you will
be able to use the additional nickname e-mail addresses, and the mail
will be forwarded to your primary e-mail address: username@server.huji.ac.il.
The new electronic mail service does not affect your present use of
e-mail and if you wish, you may ignore it altogether. Using nickname
e-mail addresses doesn't require any changes in the mail Configuration
of your Personal Computer or in the way you are reading your mail, though
you might wish to change your signature file and the Reply to Address
field. In this case you may use our mail guides.
There are two nicknames options, which are based on the HUJI ending:
- Long Nickname
Address format: Firstname.Lastname@huji.ac.il
This e-mail address is a nickname which was generated from your full
name. The advantage of the long nickname format is the minimal information
needed to locate a person's e-mail address. One should only know the
full person's name and HUJI's main address to send a message. The
e-mail address is case insensitive, and the delimiter "."
between your Firstname and Lastname is optional and can be omitted.
- Short Nickname
Address format: username@huji.ac.il
This e-mail address is a nickname which was generated from the username
of your primary e-mail address. Once the mail server's name is omitted
from the address it becomes shorter and more simple.The e-mail address
is case insensitive
Who can benefit from the service?
Only HUJI staff members (academic/administrative) can use this service.
NOTE: As nickname addresses are based on unique real names and
usernames, not everyone will be included in this service. In order to
find out your nickname, go to HUJI's
people search engine and perform a search on your name. Choose your
name from the Displayed names list. As can viewed from the following
image, nickname addresses appear under the (extra) categories.

- In case your name is misspelled in the long nickname
format you'll need to correct your real name and then the nickname
address will be modified accordingly. Go to HUJI's
people search engine, perform a search on your name and choose
your name from the Displayed names list. Click the Modify
button, enter your ID number and 5 digit code (or OTP card), and make
the needed change. The new information will be updated within a week.
- In case your username is misspelled in the short nickname
format, you should correct your primary e-mail address, and
then the nickname address will be modified accordingly. Go to HUJI's
people search engine, perform a search on your name and choose
your name from the Displayed names list. Click the Modify
button, enter your ID number and 5 digit code (or OTP card), and make
the needed change.The new information will be updated within a week.
- In case you are unable to change the needed information please write
to Juliana Solomon: juli@cc.huji.ac.il.
Last Updated 24.6.03