Mass-mailing & mailing lists in HUJI
What is mass-mailing?
Sending a message with the same or similar content to at least 100
recipients within 24 hours.
Can I send mass-mailing from my mail client in my
No. It is forbidden to distribute mass mailing from a mail client.
The result can be very damaging to the whole university community and
we can be "blacklisted" - email coming from the university
will be rejecetd.
How can I send a message from my mail client to multiple
receipients (up to 100)?
When you send to multiple recipients (within the permitted limit)
it is advised to place the addresses in "Bcc:". The benefit
of this feature is to avoid exposing a long list of addresses that
can be copied and abused, and further more - if one or several of the
recipients chooses "Reply all" it can trigger a chain of
Can I send legitimate mass mailing for academic/administrative
purposes to more than 200 receipients ?
Yes - only via HUJI's mailing list systems.
How can I send mass mailing for academic/administrative
You can only send it via an electronic mailing list, which is software
designed for widespread distribution of e-mail.
We have 2 distribution
systems for different purposes:
- For strictly administration
purposes within the university -
- Use listserver.huji.ac.il
Mailing Lists system for the following purposes:
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