
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #164
Today's topics:
- MicroStore news: SPSS, Matlab, Office for Mac.
- New modems in Rehovot.
o MicroStore news:
SPSS - Support is given only by Moshe Toledano at 83071. Do not call
SPSS company as the university has no support service for SPSS.
Matlab 6 is available. Please call Tamar at 84217 if you need it.
Office 2,001 for Mac is available. To order please see the
university's WEB page.
o New modems in Rehovot: We replaced the old modems in Rehovot with new
ones. The new modems are much more reliable and support 56K speeds
(in addition to ISDN). The number is as before - 08-9482000.