
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #163
Today's topics:
- VMS now supports SSH.
- E-Learning Mailing list.
o HUJIvms now supports SSH: SSH is a way for having a secure Telnet
connection (and optionally file transfer) between two end points; it
does so by encrypting the communications.
HUJIvms now supports SSH in both directions: You can create an SSH
connection to it, and you can originate an SSH connection from using
the SSH command.
In order to initiate an SSH connection to VMS you need an SSH client
on your side. If you need one, then please consult your support group.
o E-Learning Mailing list: In order to share knowledge, ideas and
information about the current trends in E-learning at the University
and around the world we created a new mailing list.
You can subscribe to the list by filling the form at
You are invited to contribute any related material to this list by
sending E-mail to e-learning@md.huji.ac.il.