
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #159
Today's topics:
- French-Israel workshop.
- Mailist lists service.
- Ein-Karem fax service update.
o French-Israel workshop: A workshop about "Distance Learning via Next
Generation Internet" will take place in Tel-Aviv on 5-6/11/2000. For
more details please see http://pc.huji.ac.il/Docs/lecturer-invite.doc.
o Mailing List Services: We supply a service for mailing lists in which
you can create groups of Email addresses to receive a message sent to
the name of the list. The new Mailing List System has a very easy to
use Web based list administration, subscriptions and user
configuration management. To create a new mailing list please contact
Juliana, email: juli@cc.huji.ac.il, tel. 02-6584403.
o Ein-Karem fax update: EinKerem Campus has developed a new service
that allows you to use one fax number and receive the fax anywhere, in
Israel OR over the world! Once you order your fax number any fax sent
to this number will be redirected to your e-mail address. In this way
you can check your e-mail wherever you are and see if you have
received any new faxs! This service is open for all the Hebrew U.
Academic or Administrative Staff, for both PC or MAC users. For
Pricing,Registration or More details please visit:
http://www.md.huji.ac.il/fax (the document is in Hebrew).