
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #158
Today's topics:
- 136 is available now under the ISP rate.
- Fax server.
o 136 service: Despite Bezeq's refusal to add 136-680 to the ISPs list
they have done it. Hence, you can request the special ISP rates for
this number via Bezeq's WEB page.
Please note that 136 allows access only to the university's computers
and to the WWW using the university's proxy. Other services which are
given by sources outside the university and are not WEB oriented are
inaccessible. This is because of the terms of the 136 experiment set
by the ministry of communications.
136 is opened for administrative workers who has an account on POB.
o Getting your faxs from anywhere in the world: As of June 2000, The
subscribers to the EIN-KEREM FAX SERVICE receive their incoming faxs
(if they registered to the incoming fax service) via both e-mail and
the fax client. This enables them to use one fax number no matter
where they are in the world or even when they work at home. Any fax
received will be transferred to their e-mail account as a tiff
attachment. for details, prices and registration please visit:
http://www.md.huji.ac.il/fax (the site is in Hebrew).