
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #156
Today's topics:
- New disks on HUJIvms - moving users.
- Harman library news: Textbooks for courses 2000-2001.
o New disks on HUJIvms - Today we've installed new disks. Once in a
while a few home directories won't be available for a few hours while
we copy users from the old disks to the new ones.
o Harman library news: Textbooks for courses 2000-2001
Dear Faculty Member,
As in previous years, we are requesting all instructors who are
scheduled to teach courses next year, (physics, chemistry, life
sciences, applied science ALL LEVELS), (mathematics, computer science,
earth science FIRST YEAR COURSES ONLY), to reply to this circular. It
is essential for us to have the course information necessary, not only
for ordering new or additional copies of textbooks, but also for
updating our records of who is teaching what, approximately how many
students will be in the course, etc.
See the Harman Science Library HOME PAGE at:
http://sites.huji.ac.il/Harman/forms/formtext.shtml to fill in the
TEXTBOOK form for each course. If you are recommending acquiring a
new textbook or additional copies of an existing one, please
fill in the RECOMMENDED BOOK PURCHASE form as well.
For those who prefer, printed recommendation forms are also available.
This information should be supplied BEFORE the summer recess!
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Circulation Department