
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #149
Today's topics:
- Harman library update.
- Mac group news.
o Harman library updates:
To: FACULTY OF SCIENCE: Staff, Researchers, Doctoral Students...
Re: Update: Basic Electronic Science Resources via the Internet.
Harman Library Home Page: overview
E-Journals Demonstration: retrieving full text articles
Computerized Databases: sample searches
Malmad Projects
Some useful internet sites
Place: Harman Science Library, Reference Room
Dates: 13/3/2000 (Monday) 10:00 - 11:00 emphasis on Chemistry
15/3/2000 (Wednesday) 10:00 - 11:00 emphasis on Physics
20/3/2000 (Monday) 10:00 - 11:00 emphasis on Life Sciences
27/3/2000 (Monday) 10:00- 11:00 emphasis on Applied Sci
Please Register by e-mail jslref@vms.huji.at.il, or call 6585629.
Sara Farkas
Harman Science Library
Tel: 6585246
email: saraf@vms.huji.ac.il
o Macintosh group update:
1) Computer exhibition - 8/3/2000
2) Joining 10 pack deals
3) Still looking for a student
4) Virex 6.1 for System 9
1) Yeda is organizing a computer exhibition, presenting Apple's new
line. It will be held at the entrance to the Silberman Institute of
Life Sciences, 8/3/2000, 10:00-15:00. You are all invited.
2) Please write to me if you are interested to join 10 pack deals for
applications like Photoshop, Freehand, Acrobat Writer.
3) I am still looking for a student to assist me. Please let me know
if you know someone qualified for the job.
4) Virex 6 is not compatible with sys. 9. In the next few days you
will be able to download it from our URL: mac.huji.ac.il
All the best,
Rama Friedlander
Tel. 6584411