
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #147
Today's topics:
- Interdisciplinary club (forwarded message).
- FTP proxy.
- Mail virii.
- Large mails to Hotmail.com .
- A new term in Hebrew.
o We would like to draw your attention to the "INTERDISCIPLINARY CLUB"
that is active for a while under the auspices of the Dean of the
Faculty of Sciences. The Club is open to ALL faculty and students of
ALL departments from ALL campuses. It will have its next meeting on
Thursday, January 20th.
For more details please visit our web-site:
http://complex.fiz.huji.ac.il/~mult2020/ . You are most welcome to
join our mailing list.
You are also welcome to contact the club's coordinator: Yehuda Stolov
msyuda@mscc.huji.ac.il .
o FTP proxy: As of weeks ago the university has an additional
international line which goes via Netvision (in addition to Machba's
lines). Currently only WEB traffic is running via that line. We will
be moving soon the FTP traffic there as well, but this needs some
cooperation from the users:
- WEB users: If you download files via Netscape or Internet Explorer
then all you have to do is making sure that you have an FTP proxy
defined. The same configuration used for the HTTP proxy should be
used for the FTP one (and it is usually set such by default).
- Command line FTP: Instead of FTPing to host x.y.z and login as uuu,
please ftp to proxy.huji.ac.il and login as uuu@x.y.z
If you need help then please call our support line at 02-6585555.
o Mail virii: With the introduction of smarter mail readers (like the
latest versions of Netscape, outlook express and others) it is
possible now to infect your computer with virii directly from your
mail agent. This means that you no longer have to execute a software
Emailed to you in order to be infected. These new packages can
execute scripts hidden inside the mail text itself.
In order to overcome it you can either raise the security level (in
Outlook) and/or run the latest antivirus software. Note that there is
no full-proof answer to all Internet threats.
o Large mails to hotmail.com: recently people started sending large
attachments to hotmail.com receipients (large = over a few hundred
KBs). It seems that Hotmail does not accept them, and they are left
in our mail queue being retried for two weeks. Hence, please refrain
from sending large attachments to hotmail.com recipients.
o A new term in Hebrew: The Hebrew word for Email is "Doal" (heads of
"Do'ar Electrony").