Hebrew U. Link NEWS

		    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Computation Center

                            News bulletin #146

Today's topics:
- 136 service is back.
- *70 to block waiting call temporarily.
- Matlab license was renewed.
- MailMan - a WEB front-end for POB.
- NAV updates for Y2K viruses.

o 136 service is back:  We are connected again to the 136 experiment  of
  Bezeq.   This service allows you to use Bezeq modems much like you use
  the university's modems, but paying for a local call tariff  (thus  it
  is  good for those living outside Jerusalem or Rehovot).  The usage of
  it is exactly the same as of using our modems, except  that  you  dial
  136680  instead  of  our  access  numbers  (02-6210333 or 08-9482000).
  Since this is an experiment you currently pay only for the Bezeq calls
  (local  tariff);  it  is  not  known yet how much it will cost when it
  becomes a full service.

  a few caveats:
  - The current termination  date  of  the  experiment  is  the  end  of
    February 2000.  It might be extended, but it might not.
  - It supports both ISDN and modems.
  - Users who have special definitions in our modems database (like those
    having BC access) can't use it.
  - The terms of  the  experiment  require  that  "there  is  no  direct
    connection  between  the  end  user  and outside  the organization".
    Hence,  all  access  must  be  done  via  some  machine  inside  the
    university.    Those who do only WEB surfing and Email access should
    not notice this at  all,   as  you  are  already  using  our  proxy.
    However, you might find that some services do not work.

o *70 to temporarily block waiting call:  Bezeq has enabled a service to
  block waiting call for one phone call at a time.  For this you have to
  prepend *70 to the number you are dialling.  Note  that  this  service
  does not work on all exchanges.

o Matlab license:  A new license  for  Matlab  has  arrived.   For  more
  details  please  contact  the  "Micro  store" at 02-6584217 (Tamar) or
  access the web page http://shum.cc.huji.ac.il/cc/micro.shtml

o New Service - MailMan web based mail reader for POB users:

  MailMan is a web based e-mail client program that lets you browse  the
  mail  you  have  on  the  student mail server at the Hebrew University
  (pob.huji.ac.il).  from any web browser in the world.   you  can  read
  your mail and also send mail using this program.

  To use this application - go to http://www.pob.huji.ac.il


  please note that in order to keep your privacy you MUST use the LOGOUT
  button  found  on  the right side of the screen when you are done with
  reading your mail.  if you will not use  the  LOGOUT  button  ,  other
  people  may  be able to see your private mail and even delete the mail
  on the server, Therefore it is vital for you to use the LOGOUT  button
  when you are done reading your mail.

  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem shall not be held  liable  for  any
  loss  or  damage  caused  to User or third parties arising directly or
  indirectly from the use of the service, including loss or  damage  due
  to  the  use of applications that were downloaded directly through the
  service or  that  were  activated  by  using  the  service,  including
  ActiveX, JavaScript and Java .
  (Written by Ori Keren.  msorik@cc.huji.ac.il)

o NAV updates for Y2K viruses:  There are  a  lot  of  new  viruses  who
  pretend  to  be  Y2K  bugs  but  are  actually a real virus.  The only
  difference between them and the "other viruses" is that  they  pretend
  to  be  a  Y2K bug related behaviour.  It is recommended to upgrade to
  the latest antivirus.  HUJI users can download the latest  version  of
  NAV (dated 14/12/1999) from http://pc.huji.ac.il/distrib/NAV5/ .
