
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #144
Today's topics:
- IMSL, SPSS and Y2K problem.
- Usefull URLs for Y2K problems.
o IMSL, SPSS and Y2K problem: Some systems in the university are
running old versions of IMSL and SPSS which are not Y2K compliant.
According to the companies the software should continue functionning,
but dates might appear incorrectly. Please make sure you double check
the output of these programs where the date is important.
o Some Useful links on Year 2000 Bug
If you are looking for Information, the following is a short list of
related with year 2000 Bug.
1)The Hebrew University site
http://helpdesk.huji.ac.il/y2k includes internal and general
Free Y2k software can be find at ftp://ftp.md.huji.ac.il
2)PC Hardware
3)Embedded systems
4)A General Product Compliance Catalog
a. http://www.microsoft.com/year2000/
b. http://www.microsoft.com/israel/year2k/default.htm (in Hebrew)
6)General Links
a. http://www.zdnet.com/enterprise/zdy2k/
b. http://www.y2k.com/
c. http://www.year2000.com
7)the State of Israel and Year 2000
Dr. Diego Kramer
The Computer Authority
Ein Kerem Branch
Hebrew University