Hebrew U. Link NEWS

                    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Computation Center

                            News bulletin #143

Today's topics:
- Bug 2000 lecture.

                          A lecture on Bug 2000

  The Information  systems  department  and  the  Computation  Authority
  invite  the University's staff (academic and administrative) to attend
  a lecture on Bug 2000.

  The lecture will be given by Mr Eli Berkovich, from the "Gilad" group,
  On  October 31 1999, 15:00, Hall number 7, Los Angeles Building, Givat

  A panel of representatives from several units  will  be  available  to
  answer questions related to Bug 2000 at the University.

  Close to two months before the next millenium  your  participation  is
  very important.

  Light refreshments will be served.

  Dr.  Diego Kramer
  The Computer Authority
  Ein Kerem Branch
  Hebrew University