
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #142
Today's topics:
- International links Maintenance window.
- Faked mail.
- Special offer for the parallel computation users.
o International links maintenance window: Every Monday from 19:00 to
22:00 is reserved as a maintenance window on the international links;
hence, you might experience international connectivity problems at
that time frame.
o Faked mail: Recently some hackers over the internet have started
sending mail with forged "from" address. For example, some people got
a message sent from postmaster@vms.huji.ac.il which contained some
advertisement. Another user got a complaint that he is sending mail
to an inapropriate place (mail which he never sent). There is not
much to do with this phenomenon, except from not trusting the "from"
of the messages.
o Special offer for the parallel computation users: On 31.12.99 The
Authority for Computation Communication & Information will stop
financing the maintenance of the parallel computer - BIGBUG. The
maintenance fee is of ($20000 + VAT) per year. Those who will finance
this fee, or part of it, will be able to use the computer accordingly.
If you are interested in this offer or you want to get more
information, please call Juliana, 84403 or send mail to
juli@cc.huji.ac.il .