The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #140
Today's topics:
- Mail forwarding.
- Maple users.
o Mail forwarding on VMS: A lot of people use the mailing system to
forward their mails to sites out of the university. When you use
BMAIL all works ok. However, when you use VMS/MAIL there is a bug
which places the mailer's username as the sender; replying to the
message in these cases won't get you to the correct address. If you
use Pine or VMS/MAIL (and all those who read the mail via a PC program
like Eudora/Netscape use it) then please use the following procedure
to forward your mail:
1. Register into BMAIL by starting BMAIL and selecting the "register"
2. Set the forwarding address by selecting "SetForward"; in BMAIL you
type only the address, without the BITNET% you are used from
3. Select "ShowForward" to make sure the address is correct.
When you want to stop the mail forwarding please use the following
1. Enter BMAIL and select "CancelForward" option.
2. Select "Cancel" option which unsubscribes you from BMAIL and let
incoming mail to get to VMS/MAIL (from which you can read it with
Pine, Eudora, Netscape and alike).
o Maple users: All Maple users should contact Tamar Arbeli at
tamara@vms.huji.ac.il or at 02-6584217.