Hebrew U. Link NEWS

                    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Computation Center

                            News bulletin #138

Today's topics:
- Textbooks for courses 1999-2000.
- Software legal issues.

o Textbooks  for  courses  1999-2000:   (from  Harman  Science  Library,
  Circulation Department):
  If you are teaching a course in the coming academic year,  please  let
  us  know which textbooks you are recommending for your students.  This
  is  essential  for  organizing  both  the  textbook   room   and   the
  computerized "recommended for courses" module.
  Please   fill   in   one    TEXTBOOK    FORM    for    each    course.

  See    the    Harman     Science     Library     HOME     PAGE     at:

  Your cooperation would be most appreciated.
  Circulation Department.

o Software legal issues:  The Computation Authority would like to remind
  all  computer  users  that  they  have  to  use software and operating
  systems according to the terms specified in the licenses.  Failure  to
  comply  is  a  violation  of  the  University's  laws,  and might be a
  criminal offense.  In particular, it is illegal to install  unlicensed
  software on the University's computers.