Hebrew U. Link NEWS

		    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Computation Center

                            News bulletin #137

Today's topics:
- Anti virus Update.
- Freeware & Shareware CD.
- Photoshop license.
- Internet2 lines.
- Mail left on the server.

o Anti virus Update (by Diego Kramer from Ein-Karem branch):   We  would
  like  to  remind  you that you still can subscribe to the virus update
  mailing list.  By subscribing to the mailing list  you  will  get  the
  anti  virus  update  file attached directly through your e-mail.  Both
  Mac and Pc users can subscribe by sending an e-mail with  the  subject
  "ANTIVIRUS  UPDATE" to diego@md2.huji.ac.il.  In the e-mail specify if
  you are using a pc or a mac.
  If you subscribed to the nav update distribution list there is NO need
  to use live update!  The Mailing list is open to all HUJI users.

o Freeware & shareware CD (by Diego  Kramer): If you have problems  with
  software  download,  A  CD  is available at the Computer authority Ein
  Kerem Branch with most of the freeware and shareware in used at huji.
  To browse the CD content look at http://www.md.huji.ac.il/CD
  Price:  50NIS each (students 40NIS).  To order it send tofes 29 to the
  computer    authority    Ein    Kerem    branch.     More    questions

o Photoshop license (by Ruth Peled from the faculty of agriculture):  If
  you  would  like  to  purchase a license for Photoshop - please e-mail
  ruth@agri.huji.ac.il and  specifiy  mac  or  pc.   The  cost  will  be
  approximately $230.

o Internet2 lines:  The Israeli universities are now in the  process  of
  connecting  to  the  "next  generation  Internet"  which  comprises of
  "Internet2" sites in USA and "Quantum" network in Europe.  The idea is
  to have  fast  lines to research networks which are connected to these
  projects.  For this purpose, a 34Mb/sec  line  has been  installed  to
  Europe,  and a 45Mb link  will be installed by the end of the month to
  USA.  Most  of  the  bandwidth  is  allocated  to  projects  that  got
  approval, and only part of it is used for the "commodity Internet".
  If you have an approved project with a European  insititute  then  you
  are welcome to start it.
  A more detailed message will follow soon;  hence,  if  you  need  more
  details then please wait for it.

o Mail left on server:  As we asked at the previous  post,  people  tick
  the  "Leave  mail  on  server"  in  Netscape/Eudora/IE and the mail is
  filling our disks.  Please note that when this option is ticked,  when
  you delete a message *it is not deleted* from the server.  You have to
  explicitly telnet to it and remove the messages.  We  strongly  advise
  you  to  do it once in a while, or simply remove the tag next to "Keep
  messages on server" (but you still need to clean once the accumulated
  If you need the instructions how to clean the accumulated messages  on
  VMS or POB then please Email mailto:advice@vms.huji.ac.il.
