
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #135
Today's topics:
- Accounts are personal.
- SAS usage survey.
- Service interruption on Friday 2/4/99.
o Accounts are personal: We would like to remind all users that
accounts on university's computers are personal and should be used
only for academic work.
o SAS usage: We are conducting a survey about the usage of SAS on the
university computers. If you are working with SAS please point your
browser to http://shum.huji.ac.il/cc/sassurvey.shtml and answer the
questionaire there.
o Service interruptions on Friday 2/4/99: On Friday 2/4/99 there will
be a power outage in Givat-Ram. Although all our services will
hopefully continue to run (on a UPS and generator) we'll upgrade a few
systems at that day. Hence, the following systems won't be available
for a few hours: HUJIvms, Proxy, News.