
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #134
Today's topics:
- Spam, chain-letters and electronic petitions.
- *70 to disable call waiting.
- "Keep mail on server".
- VMS shutdown on 2/4/99 for 2 hours.
o Spam, chain-letters and electronic petitions: We would like to remind
all the Hebrew University computer users that sending any form of
chain letters and other unsolicited mail is a violation of the
Internet's rules of conduct, is a waste of bandwidth and is an
annoyance. This is true even if the intent of the message is good and
deals with very important issues such as the miserable state of women
in Afghanistan. Please refrain from sending on any such messages!
o *70 to disable call waiting: Bezeq has a new service: Dial *70
before the number you call and it will disable the waiting call beep
for the current call. This method is available on some exchanges and
will be available on all exchanges toward the end of 1999. In order
to check whether your exchange supports it dial *70; if you get
another dial tone - all is ok; if you get busy signal then it is not
supported yet. For more details see Bezeq's site at www.bezeq.co.il
under "What's new".
o Keep mail on server - A lot of people set the option "Keep mail on
server" in their mail software (Netscape, Eudora, etc.). This is
usefull when you access your mail from more than one PC, but has a
side effect: All your mail is accumulated on the server, and with
time retreiving mail takes more and more time. In order to solve it
you are advised to delete the accumulated mail once in a while. In
order to do so, retreive your mail once more (so you know that you
read all the accumulated mail), telnet to VMS, login and then:
MAIL> select newmail
MAIL> delete/all
MAIL> exit
(Note. Please visit also http://shum.huji.ac.il/cc/FAQ/leaveornot.shtml
for more details on this matter.)
o VMS shutdown on 2/4/99: On Friday 2/4/1999 HUJIVMS will be down for
2-3 hours for software upgrade.