
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #132
Today's topics:
- New modems in Rehovot; removal of old modems.
- Hummingbird Exceed X-windows emulator.
- Spam mail.
- Mail relay forbidden.
- Home page of Netscape should be our university's one.
- Mount Scopus branch courses.
- Harman library news.
o New modems at the faculty of agriculture and removal of old modems:
New modems were installed in the Faculty of Agriculture; they support
33,600 and ISDN, and can be accessed on 08-9482000. The old modems
will be disconnected soon.
The old modems in Jerusalem will be disconnected soon, so please move
to the new number (02-6210333).
Users of Rehovot's modems can now use the Win-95 dialler without the
"black window" by following the instructions at:
http://www.agri.huji.ac.il/facilities1.shtml (choose "computer center",
then "facilites" then "announcements" and then "newrehovotmodems".
o Hummingbird Exceed - Users interested in running X11 windows from
their PCs may buy the Exceed PC X-server from the Micro-Shop
(http://shum.cc.huji.ac.il/cc/micro.shtml) at $50 a copy. Please note
that PC-XWare has been discontinued at the University and is no longer
o Spam mail: We get from time to time complaints from various ISPs
about users from our university that send spam mail or spam news
items. Spam mail is either mail sent to groups which are not
interested in the topics of it, or mail/news sent to a lot of
newsgroups. We request you to think twice before you do such things,
as some sites blocks us from receiving further Email/news after they
decide they got spam mail from us.
o Mail relay forbidden: Some "bad guys" use our systems to relay spam
mail and hide the real source of it. Hence, we installed an
anti-relay filters on most of our machines. The most noticeable
outcome of it is that people who set the SMTP server to be one of our
machines might encounter difficulties sending mail (get "relay
fobidden" messages) under the following conditions:
1. The receipient's address is outside our university and you are
dialling from an Internet provider outside the university.
2. Your PC is inside the university but has no name registered (only
IP address).
The solution to 1 is to use the SMTP server of the provider you are
calling, and the solution to 2 is to call the communication people and
ask them to register your computer at the nameserver.
o Home page of Netscape should be our university's one: A lot of people
use the default setup of Netscape in which the homepage is set to
Netscape's one. This causes a lot of unneeded traffic, so people are
requested to set the default homepage to be the university's one:
o Mount Scopus branch courses: We are glad to announce that the
Computer Authority Mount Scopus Branch will hold its new seminars on
the following subjects:
1. Connecting to H.U computers
2. What is digital media
3. Digital scanning
4. Installing Netscape Navigator (from home)
5. Connecting to H.U computers via modem.
6. OCR - Automatic Character Recognition
7. Using pine
8. Publishing your WEB Pages (site) in our servers
9. Sas for windows characteristics.
10. Image processing
11. Newsgroups on pluto (listserv).
12. Video digital editing
13. Spss for windows characteristics.
14. Introduction to Visual-Basic.
15. Mathematic tools (Word equation,Maple,Imsl,Mathematica etc).
16 Hudap - Data Analysis Package.
17. SSA - Population statistic analysis.
18. class assignments
* The seminars (courses) are open to all employees and staff of the
Hebrew University.
* You can opt to take any number and combination of the available
* In order to receive a certificate recognized for Gmul Hishtalmut you
must take at least 10 out of 17 seminars as well as the practical part
section 18.
* Each seminar cost 40 shekel.
* The price for the entire package is 350 shekel (including the
Practical portion)
* All courses require pre-registration
For more information: http://help.mscc.huji.ac.il/seminars.shtml
For registration, Please call Rachel Polatov , Phone 02-5883072.
New seminars Program at Mount Scopus Computer Center
Reminder: Information about our seminars Program can be seen at:
Windows 95 course at Mount Scopus Computer Center
Windows 95 for beginners.
16 academic hours, 4 meetings.
Monday 15.2.99
Wednesday 17.2.99
Monday 22.2.99
Wednesday 24.2.99
Hours: 16:30 - 20:00.
Minhala Building, floor -1.
Prices: 350 NIS.
A Hebrew syllabus of the Win95 course and some Windows 95 links can be
seen at
Computer center's workshops homepage is at:
registration to the course:
Mrs. Rachela Polatov
Computer Center Secretary
Gush 1 Hevra, Mount Scopus
Tl. 58-83072
o Harman library news: The Harman Science Library is happy to announce
access for members of the Hebrew University to:
American Chemical Society Ejournals -
new- full text access to ALL ACS Ejournals.
INSPEC (Physics Abstract) http://libnet.ac.il/~libnet/inspec.htm
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) physics, electronics and
computing 1969-now includes links from bibliographic citations to full
text articles from journals of Academic Press and selected other
Check the Harman Library Home Page for complete updated lists:
http://sites.huji.ac.il/Harman - HOME PAGE
http://sites.huji.ac.il/Harman/ejournals/ejournals.shtml - listof
http://sites.huji.ac.il/Harman/internet_sites/internet_sites.shtml -
relevant internet sites
http://sites.huji.ac.il/Harman/jsl_databases/jsl_databases.shtml - list
of library databases