Hebrew U. Link NEWS

		      The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                            Computation Center

                            News bulletin #131
                              6-January 1999

Today's topics:
- New modems.
- Nav 5 is here.
- Hebrew University Personnel Database.

o New modems:  New modems were installed on  6210333.   The  new  modems
  support 56K using the V.90 standard.  Currently we have on this number
  120 modems which support 56K and 60 modems which  support  33,6K.   In
  less  than  3 weeks we'll have 240 modems on that line, all supporting
  In about 3 weeks we'll also have a new number in Rehovot with  digital
  modems and ISDN.
  If you are using the old numbers (6540303,  5671211)  please  move  to
  6210333, as these numbers will be cancelled soon.

o Nav  5  is  here  and  is  available   for   download.    Please   see
  http://pc.huji.ac.il/distrib/nav5  for  details and to download.  Note
  that this site is restricted to Hebrew University IP  addresses  only.
  If  you  get  a "permission denied " error message this means that you
  are trying to connect from a non-HUJI address or that your computer is
  not  defined  in  the name server.  In the latter case, please contact
  your local coordinator/computation authority branch for help.

o Hebrew University Personnel  Database:   please  invest  a  couple  of
  minutes  to check and update your personal information.  To access the
  database,                         please                         visit
  http://www.huji.ac.il/htbin/diana/segemain/segel/1?   and  search  for
  yourself (you  may  search  in  Hebrew  or  English  by  choosing  the
  appropriate  item).   Click the Update button to modify your data.  In
  this case you will have to identify yourself to the system  by  typing
  in  your  ID (teudat zehut) number and your secret code which appeared
  on  the   December   1998   pay   stub.    Please   send   e-mail   to
  huji-db@cc.huji.ac.il with questions or problems you encounter.