
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Authority
News bulletin #130
Today's topics:
- Failed test messages from H_TEST .
- 136 is available now everywhere.
- Instructions to change the dialler's setting on Win-95.
- Instructions for connecting via 136 with Linux.
- Message from the Medical school unit.
o Failed mail messages from H_TEST@MM: A lot of people got unreadable
messages from account H_TEST@MM (the unreadable part was Hebrew text);
when they tried to answer the mail bounced back.
These messages were sent erronously during a beta test of a new
system. The Authority for Research and Development is regreting for
the inconvinience caused to the recipients.
o 136 availability: Since 136 is an experimental service there were few
problems with it; the main one was partial coverage which has been
detected as users tried to use it; Bezeq has been working to fix the
problems as they arose and we hope that now everything is stable, and
that it is available at all areas.
Business class, IPX and appletalk are not available on it yet. We
hope it will be available next week.
Please inform us about any problem you have with this service. If you
connect and get a screen with garbage then please see the paragraph
bellow about the dialler settings under Win-95.
Reminder: The service costs 2.5 Agorot per minute plus a local call
charge. These fees are charged by Bezeq and collected thru the phone
o Win-95 dialler setting: A lot of people still connect by loging
manually into our systems. This way is prone to errors, takes longer
and does not allow you to move easily between different internet
suppliers (or 136 for example). The instructions bellow describe how
to change the dialler to use direct PPP mode (assuming you run
Open "My Computer" -> "Dialup networking", right-click on your
favorite dialler icon and select "properties". Then goto
"configuration", "Options" and deselect "Open terminal window after
Now, when you want to dial, double click on the dialler, fill your
user%xxx at the username box, your password at the password box and
hit Dial. The black window will not appear and instead windows will
do all the work for you.
o Linux via 136: Enclosed bellow you'll find the configuration files
needed for Linux to work with direct PPP, which can be used with the
university modems and 136. Please note that we do not support Linux
and you have to tailor these files to your specific system.
Options files:
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -vf /etc/ppp/chatfile "
name xxxx%yyyy (the name with which you login at the modems).
asyncmap 0
pap-secrets file:
xxx%yyy * your-password
o The messages bellow were written by Eric Peretz from the medical
school unit and are passed as they are.
Dear Researchers, we would like to remind you that you still can
subscribe to our virus update mailing list. By subscribing to the
mailing list you will get the antivirus update file directly through
you e-mail. Both Mac and Pc users can subscribe by sending an e-mail
with the subject "ANTIVIRUS UPDATE" to diego@md2.huji.il. In the
e-mail specify if you are using a pc or a mac.
As part of an effort to prevent suppliers from misleading researchers
about their computer needs, we wrote a web page
(http://helpdesk.md.huji.ac.il/pc/ThePerfectPC.shtml) that can give you
a basic idea what kind of computer configuration you need based on the
uses of the future computer. please refer to this page before buying
a new pc and feel free to contact us about any question.
If I assume that all of us are using NAV (if you don't then you
should!), we probably use the live update that came with it. The
problem with this live update version is that it does not work well
with proxys, if you wish to use the proxy server in live update
(highly recommended) you can download a program that will
automatically upgrade live update and configure it for use with the
proxy server wwwproxy.huji.ac.il (if you use bcproxy you can go into
the control panel after the installation and change the proxy server).
The program can be found here:
just download it and run it.
NOTE: if you subscribed to the nav update distribution list (see
message above) there is NO need to use live update!