
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Authority
News bulletin #126
Today's topics:
- PAC files for libraries and general WEB access.
- IMSL software.
- A letter from the security department about parking arrangements.
o PAC files: A centrally managed proxy automatic configuration file (PAC)
has been deployed by the Edmond J. Safra branch of HUCA. It is strongly
suggested that all Netscape users define pac.huji.ac.il/proxy.pac as
their Automatic Proxy Configuration option. For full details, see
As noted in a previous news bulletin, library archive access via the
Internet will be denied to browsers which do not use a proxy server in
the huji domain. Defining proxy.pac as above will assure the users
that their proxy definitions will always be up to date.
Note for BC users who authenticate to the proxy with password: You
should not use this PAC file as you'll be connected to the standard
proxy. All other BC users are detected by this PAC file and directed
to the relevant proxy machine.
o IMSL users - please send a note to marian@cc.huji.ac.il stating that
you are an IMSL user.
o Parking arrangements: The following bulletin has been written by the
security department and is passed to you as-is.
Parking stickers for temporary staff and students in advanced degrees:
From 8/11/98 the enterance for the owners of stickers from the elipse
type 98 and temporary triangle 98/99 type will not be permitted.
Distribution/selling of stickers to the temporary staff and students
in advanced degrees will start on Sunday 1/11/1998.
Reception hours: Mt. Scopus and Edmond J. Safra:
Sunday, Thursday: 10:00-14:00.
Monday-Wednsday: 10:00-18:30
Ein-Kerem campus: Sunday-Thursday: 10:00-13:00.
Faculty for Agriculture: Announced locally at the faculty.
Entitled for stickers: Students of M.A. degrees and up (teaching
diploma and 4th year are not included) who own the vehicle or their
spouse does or their parents do, and their name is in the obligatory
The parking committee informs here that the university has the right
to stop the distribution at any time, if and when there are no more
parking places.
Documents to bring:
1. Valid vehicle license and inssurance policy.
2. Identity card.
3. Letter of appointment (from Human resources department only) or
last salary check.
Distribution/selling places:
1. Mt. Scopus: Employees comittee's office in social sciences block
2. Edmond J. Safra: Security department.
3. Medical school: Security officer's office.
4. Faculty of agriculture: Security officer's office near Herzl
Payment: The parking sticker costs 450 shekels. The payment will be
achieved through a voucher that will be given in the distribution
stations after verifing credit. Payment will be done at the postal
bank and in cash only.
Free of payment are students who work in the university through letter
of appointment only, and students who live in the dorms (to the dorms
parking places in Edmond J. Safra and Ein-Kerem only).
We request the owners of invalid parking stickers to remove them from
their cars.
After the termination of stickers distribution, if there will be still
vacant parking places, other groups will get parking stickers.