Hebrew U. Link NEWS

                    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                          Computation Authority

                            News bulletin #125

Today's topics:
- Access to Malmad databases.
- PAC files for automatic Proxy definition.
- Mathematica users - please raise your hand...

o Change in Proxy Access to MALMAD Services, by Elhanan Adler:

  Beginning Oct.  18th a change will be made in the machba proxies which
  will  allow  access  to  MALMAD  library consortium services only from
  university-specific proxies.  This will allow accurate  statistics  on
  per-institution  use  as  well  as the future introduction of services
  (such as Elsevier journals, ECO, etc.) in which each institution  may
  be entitled to different services.

  Users whose browser is not correctly configured will receive a  notice
  referring  them to their local branch of HUCA or library.  The change
  required will be to redefine the browser proxy  setting  either  to  a
  local proxy or (preferably) to a local proxy pac - the specific change
  will be defined by each institution.

  Note:  You can either use our proxy at proxy.huji.ac.il or use the PAC
  file as described bellow.

o PAC file:  It is possible to use an automatic proxy definition instead
  of  defining  it  manually.   We've created such a file which knows to
  access BC proxy for those that are permitted to use  it,  knows  which
  sites to contact directly, etc.

  In order to use it enter your browser's proxy definition page, and  at
  the "automatic proxy" hit:  pac.huji.ac.il/proxy.pac

o Mathematica users:  In order to know who is using  Mathematica  please
  send mail to Marian at marian@vms and state that you are using Mathematica.
