
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Authority
News bulletin #120
Today's topics:
- Online users database.
- Windows-95 courses at Mt. Scopus.
o Online users database: The Authority for Computing, Communications
and Information Technology is creating a new database which will hold
e-mail addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and more of all the
Hebrew University's faculty and staff. Students will be added to the
database at a later date. Everybody will be able to change their own
data fields electronically after supplying the ID number and secret
code. Please visit http://www.huji.ac.il/unew/segel.shtml and update
your data! The database will be opened for searches towards the
beginning of the next academic year (October 1998).
If you have any questions or comments, please send mail to
o Windows 95 course at Mount Scopus branch of Computation Authority:
Windows 95 for beginners.
16 academic hours, 4 meetings.
Monday 1.6
Tuesday 2.6
Monday 8.6
Tuesday 9.6
16:30 - 20:00.
The course can be recognized for "Gmul Hishtalmut".
Price: 350 NIS
A Hebrew syllabus of the course and some Windows 95 links can be seen
Mount Scopus branch of Computation Authority's workshops homepage is at:
More details and registration:
Mrs. Rachela Polatov
Mount Scopus branch of Computation Authority's Secretary
Gush 1 Hevra, Mount Scopus
Tl. 58-83072