
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Authority
News bulletin #118
Today's topics:
- News bulletin of the Medical school: Timbuktu, Programs CD.
- Mount Scopus library address changed.
- Mailpush service and passwords.
- Installing Win-98 and deinstalling it ruins the dialler.
- Hotline reminder.
o News bulletin of the medical school:
As most of you already know we are running a support service that
allows us to connect directly to your computer. By remotely
connecting to the computer we are able do give a quicker service and
for a wider range of problems (anybody interested in more
information on the service can contact me directly).
Since the Timbuktu project was found to be very effective and time
saving we've decided to allow Timbuktu users to benefit from the
license they've already bought. From today anybody who own a
Timbuktu license can buy a separate license (full version) to
connect from home to the computer at work. Buying this license will
allow you to work from home on the computer at work just if you were
at work, we have tested the connection from home to the office and
it works quite fast, both on Mac and PC. We have arranged a special
deal with Avatar Computers (the Timbuktu software representative),
so the price for a full version of Timbuktu will be 68$ instead of
108$ and it is obtainable directly from us at the Computer Authority
- Ein-Kerem Branch (Any body interested in more information can
contact me directly).
Programs CD - collection No.1:
Since the software are becoming larger every day it is becoming
impossible to distribute them on floppy disks (unless you have a few
hours to kill). We have created a CD that will hold all the
software that the Computer Authority distributes (Internet software,
Norton AntiVirus and Updates, Winspirs and more), both for Mac and
PC, plus a huge collection of useful programs that can help make
your work easier. The software are arranged by categories and you
have a detailed interactive explanation about each and every one of
them. The price for the CD is 50 Shekels only (less than the price
of putting them all on floppy disks), and it can be obtained from
The Computer Authority - Ein-Kerem Branch 675(8)7036 or
I hope that you will find these services helpful,
Eric Perez.
o Mount Scopus library address change: The Bloomfield Library for
Humanities and Social Sciences has moved its homepage. Please note
the new address:
o Mailpush service and passwords: Mailpush is a service which informs
you about Email arrival by phone call, beeper, fax, etc. The
problem is that it needs your password in order to check for mail.
Although the Mailpush company states that the passwords database is
well secured, you should take into account that your password is
known by a third party, and might traverse insecure parts of the
o Installing Win-98 and deinstalling it ruins the dialler: We
received reports from few users who installed Win-98 and then
deinstalled it that the modem dialler got corrupted after this
action. The modems would dial, but tries to login with incorrect
password which has no relation to the password the user entered.
The only solutions to recover are either to login manually or
install Win-95 from scratch.
o Hot line: We would like to remind you about our hotline which gives
phone support for various problems using our services, including
communications problems. They are accessible Sunday-Thursday from
9:00 to 19:00 at 02-6584401.