
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News bulletin #113
Today's topics:
- Super computer seminar.
- Internet workshop.
- Advanced Information-Search Techniques and Methods.
- Maple withdrawal.
- Timbuktu.
o Super computer seminar: 2-3 day courses on the use of supercomputers
SP2 or Cray J90 will be given soon. Details and registration - at
For more information please contact:
Yehoshua Kimhi
High Performance Computing Unit
Inter University Computation Center
Phone: 07-6461153, 02-6584404
e-mail :shuki@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
o Internet Workshop for Begginers: The next begginers workshop will
take place on: Mon. 26.1.98, Tues. 27.1.98, Mon. 2.2.98, Tues.
3.2.98, 17:30 - 21:00 Mount Scopus, Social Sciences building, room
Registration: Mrs. Rachel Polatov, Tl. 58-83072; Price: 300 NIS
(students - 250 NIS).
The begginers workshop is intended for those who have little or no
experience using the Internet, and would like to get familiar with
basic Internet using skills.
No prior knowledge is required, but a general experince in working in
Windows environment is helpful.
o Advanced Information-Search Techniques and Methods: Mount Scopus
Computer Center opens a new Internet Workshop, in addition to the
beginners and HTML workshops. The new workshop is dedicated to
advanced information search techniques and methods for better
utilizing the wealth of the Internet. The workshop is intended for
experienced Internet users, who are familiar with general Internet
tools and services, especially the World Wide Web, basic search
methods and graphical browsers (NetScape or MSIE).
During the workshop a lot of time will be dedicated to guided
practice. Some of the lessons will be planned according to requests
of the participants.
The workshop includes 6 4-hour meetings. Those who complete the
course are entitled to "gmul hishtalmut".
More details and registration: Mrs. Rachela Polatov, Mount Scopus
Computer Center secretary, Faculty of social sciences building, Gush
1, room 3116, Tel. 58-83072.
o MAPLE withdrawal: Maple will be removed from our systems on February
1, 1998. MAPLE 5.0 for PCs and MACs may be purchased for $90 from the
Micro Store. For details please contact Tamar Arbeli at 65-84217.
o TIMBUKTU: Timbuktu Pro (Farallon Inc.) is a program that provides
services that allow the control of a remote computer. There are
client and server versions. The client version, allows the technician
from the computation center to connect to your computer at home or at
the office, and fix most of the problems remotely. The server (or
full) version has the added advantage of "taking over" and
controlling, for example, your computer on campus, from home. The
program is both for MAC and PC - and even better - you can control a
MAC from a PC and vice versa!!! Note:- The Computation Center has
managed to obtain a special deal for the CLIENT version. Please let
us know if you are interested. Send your e-mail, with SUBJECT heading
"Timbuktu", to:- shirley@cc.huji.ac.il.
ADOBE ACROBAT: MAC and PC users who are interested in buying the full
version of Acrobat, which allows the creation of PDF files (for about
$100 a copy), please send mail to edna@cc.huji.ac.il.