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The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Computation Center News bulletin #112 21-December-1997 Today's topics: - Financial system - information for researchers. - Macintosh updates. o Financial system - The financial reporting department of the university has opened an Internet site which allows all researchers to gather information about their budget. In order to get to this information please open the university's home page at http://www.huji.ac.il, and then follow this path: Internal info Faculty Information for faculty members Financial management system - Information for researchers. When you access this site you have to identify yourself; at the "username" prompt hit your ID number, left 8 digits (as it appears in the salary form); as "password" use your personal 4 digits code which appeared in the "tlush" of 9-10/97 and will appear again at 12/97. Inside this site you'll be able to find help and send Email with questions, remarks and other suggestions. You can also Email me at Benzyp@vms.huji.ac.il. Bentzy Pertzelan. =================================================================== o Macintosh updates: o Dr. Solomon's Antivirus: Lately the Hebrew U. has been flooded by the Microsoft Macro virus (called Concept Virus). Unfortunately, Macintosh and PC users are equally vulnerable. Disinfectant 3.7.1, which was freely distributed, is unable to detect and clean the Concept Virus. There are also many new strains appearing continually. The Computation Center has therefore decided to obtain a new site license with Dr. Solomon's. The Dr. Solomon's Antivirus will therefore be available for free, shortly. We will notify everyone as soon as it is. o Timbuktu: Timbuktu Pro (Farallon Inc.) is a program that provides services that allow the control of a remote computer. There are client and server versions. The client version, allows the technician from the computation center to connect to your computer at home or at the office, and fix most of the problems remotely. The server (or full) version has the added advantage of "taking over" and controlling , for example, your computer on campus, from home. The program is both for MAC and PC - and even better - you can control a MAC from a PC and vice versa!!! A demonstration of the program will take place at the Yeda Seminar by Yossi Elline, the representative of AcadeMac. Note:- The Computation Center has managed to obtain a special deal for the CLIENT version. Please let us know if you are interested. Send your e-mail, with SUBJECT heading "Timbuktu", to:- shirley@cc.huji.ac.il o Computer Hardware Maintenance Agreement: As you might already know, in past years the Computation Center had a Maintenance Agreement (Hoze Sherut) for computer hardware service. This is coming up for renewal and anyone interested in renewing or joining it for the first time is welcome to speak to either Tamar Arbeli or Zeev Langer. You may contact them on Tel: 6584217. Regards... Shirley