Hebrew U. Link NEWS

		   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                    Computation Center

To:     Academic Staff Members.
From:   Tsvi Kidron - Head of the Computation Center.
Subject: Support Services at Home.


   The Hebrew University has chosen 2 companies to support the University users
in their computing needs at home. These companies are "The Central Jerusalem
Lab Ltd." and "Matim Software Services Ltd". The joint group is called Tomcha,
and can be contacted at 02-5660688.

   The Computation Center has briefed the companies about working on the
University's computers, accessing the Internet through the University's
dial-in lines, common software packages used by researchers and data safety
and security. The Computation center will follow the group's work closely and
maintain the cooperation with the support companies in an effort to improve the
service to the Academic  Staff. To this end, the Computation Center will update
the companies periodically in all matters concerning software, communications
and policies.

The Service

Tomcha  will provide both hardware and software support.


      Installation of a computer and its operating system

      Installation of communication software

      Training  the users in using the University's dial-in services and the

      Using Microsoft Office

      Installation of hardware peripherals

   Data backup and keeping data confidentiality is the researcher's


      At the end of service, the service company will issue an invoice and
      service report.

      Academic staff members who got service for equipment bought with a
      research grant may pay for the service from the grant. To this end they
      will sign an authorization form (available from the service provider)
      stating the research budget number. This form, together with the invoice
      will be sent by the service company to the University. The researcher will
      retain copies. If the researcch budget is insufficient, the researcher
      will pay the service company directly.

      Researchers will pay directly in cash for any services not covered above.

Quality Control

      Researchers are encouraged to pass on any comments they have
      about the service provided by Tomcha to the Computation Center.