
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #85
Today's topics:
- Novell via dial-in lines.
- Appletalk support via dial-in lines in the future.
- dial back modem service.
- ISDN access.
o Novell via dial-in modems: Up to now dialup access through our
modems has been limited to IP service only. This means that Novell
users could not access Novell services directly, only by using
TCP/IP service where available.
We've enabled now direct Novell access through our modems. Although
the link is slow (Novell was designed for Ethernet speeds and not
for modem speed), and loading software via a dial-in link takes a
lot of time, we present this service for the users who feel they
need it and can bear with the slow performance. We expect people to
use it mainly for downloading data files and printing on their
departmental printers from home. Note that most services (like
PMAIL) do not need direct Novell access as the Novell server can
serve them over TCP/IP (i.e. using PPP through Trumpet for
Since this service is currently experimental, it is available only
to those who have a justified need for it, have the skills to
install the software on their home PC, and the knowledge to
configure a Novell client. You have to install a special package in
order to gain this access. The package is called "Cisco Remote
Lite" and is allowed to be used for academic purpose. Since it is
export controlled, we cannot place it for Anonymous FTP; If you need
it, please send a message to INFO@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL, specifying why you
think it is useful for you, and we'll return to you with the
required details.
o Future Appletalk support through modems: In a few months we'll
support AppleTalk through the dialin modems. This is postponed
since we have to develop some software for it. When it becomes
available, Macintosh users can share files that they can share
inside the university, and access appleshare servers, but all at a
slower rate.
o Dial back service: A lot of users dial to the university's modems
at their own expense, which might cost a fortune when the call is
originated outside of Jerusalem. Currently the university cannot
pay them back due to legal issues. The solution is to call from
inside the university to your modem and charge your university's
budget for it. Note that only those that have research budgets can
use this service. The callback can be done only to the one number
specified when you request the service.
To initiate a callback session, the user dials a special number in
the university, enters a special user code which causes the modem to
hangup and call back. The call is then charged to your university's
phone number.
To register for this service please call Ayeleth at 02-6584475
(Ayeleth@cc.huji.ac.il) and ask her to fax you the form for
dial-back service. Fill in the relevant parts and fax it back to
us. Within a few days we'll inform you by Email that the account
has been set up and how to use it.
o ISDN access: Bezeq is deploying (slowly) a dialup communication
system - ISDN. ISDN uses the standard phone lines to carry digital
data at rates of 64Kb/sec and 128Kb/sec. This seems much like
today's modems, but remember that these rates are before compression
and are sustained rates. We recommend these lines only to users
working a lot from home (no dialback service for these lines...) or
heavy Novell users. The usage is slightly more expensive than for a
modem: installation is around 850NIS + VAT, the monthly charge is
twice that of an analog phone, and calls cost the same (note that
128Kb call is charged as two calls). The PC internal adapter you
have to use at home costs around $300+VAT, and a digital phone costs
over 1,000NIS (although you do not need it if all you want to do is
data communication).
Since this technology is quite new, some of the equipment does not
operate well with other equipment. We are now in the process of
evaluating a few packages. Before you buy such equipment, please
drop a message to INFO@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL for more details and the
current status.