Hebrew U. Link NEWS

	       **** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
                       **** Computation Center ****

                            News Bulletin #76

  Today's topics:
  - News server to be changed on Monday 22-July-1996.
  - Modems reminder.

  o News server change:  On Monday 22-July-1996, around  8:30  the  news
    server  will  be  changed  to  a  new  system.   The new system will
    hopefully receive the news in a  more  timely  manner  and  be  more
    updated.   The  only  difference  to  be noticed by the users is the
    change of article numbers  which  makes  your  current  NEWSRC  file
    useless.   There  is a procedure to reset the article counts for the
    new  server  (while  preserving  the  registered  and   unregistered
    newsgroups)  which  is applicable for ANUNEWS and VRN users.  If you
    use one of these packages, then on Monday's mornning please  execute
    the following command:


    It will take a few minutes to run, and hopefully  will  convert  the
    files correctly.  There is a slight chance it won't do it correctly,
    so you'll have to delete the newsrc files.

    If you use another software (like Netscape news reader, etc.) you'll
    have   to  delete  the  newsrc  file  and  start  the  registration/
    deregistration process from the beginning.

  o Modems reminder:   To  remind  you,  we  have  the  following  modem
    02-6540303, 02-5671221 - For all users.
    02-5671211 - for short calls, up to 15 minutes.
