
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #64
Today's topics:
- News server.
o News server - At the last month we are getting the news feed
directly from USA. A lot of lists local to USA begun to arrive and
this caused the daily news feed to amount about 500MB. This caused
problems to all universities and delays in the feed; our delay was
about 2-3 days. In order to overcome it we've started running a new
server which works much faster; today, the index file of the old
news server corrupted and we had to switch to the new one without
finishing the work on it.
The influence is as follows:
ANUNEWS and VNEWS users: You have to do nothing. However, if most
of your news lists are shown as having items, but when you enter
them they are empty, then delete your NEWSRC file. You lose all
your subscription data, but there is nothing to do.
PC news readers: If you have a news reader on your PC (like WINVN)
then you have to go into its option section and modify your news
server from Kineret.huji.ac.il to News.huji.ac.il
Shana Tova,