
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #51
Today's topics:
- Modems update.
- Forwarded letter from Asher Cohen.
o Modems update: The Zyxel modems listed at the last computation
center's "alon" are available for purchase now (finished the
examination of the ministery of communication). The academic
pricing is $850+VAT for the U1496E+ model which can run up to 19,200
bits/sec (and this is the model which was tested) and $700+VAT for
the U1496E model which runs up to 16,800 bits/sec (this model was
not tested but should be similar to the one tested here). Note that
currently we support only speeds of 14,400 bits/sec and only in the
future we'll support speeds up to 28,800 bits/sec.
The contact person for the Zyxel modems is Shlomo Hurvitz from Shany
Technologies at 03-6391288.
The US-robotics modems are expected to finish the evaluation of the
ministry of communications soon.
o Letter from Asher Cohen: the enclosed message is from Asher Cohen
and passed as-is. Please direct your replies directly to him.
We are trying to establish a communication network among the senior
academic staff at the Hebrew University (ranked "Martze" or above).
The immediate goal is to distribute information and get feedback
concerning the strike. The larger goal is to be able to communicate
efficiently whenever the need arises. If you are ranked Martze or
above and are interested in being part of this network - send a
short note to the following address: msasher@mscc.huji.ac.il. Please
specify your name and your department. I will send you instructions
how to join the network.