
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #36
Today's topics:
- Batch queues.
- Fast modems.
o Batch queues: Few users were watched lately using batch queues
which are not intended for general use and caused problems to other
systems. Please remember that general batch jobs should be
submitted only to SYS$BATCH queue. The exceptions are: Jobs that
only read/write tapes should be sent to the TAPE queue, jobs that
use IMSL and Exponent should use the IMSL_BATCH, jobs using SAS
should use the SAS_BATCH and tasks using the Mathematica software
should use the MATH_BATCH queue.
o Fast modems: We are at the end of evaluating various high speed
dial-in modems (link speed at 14,400 bps while compression raises
the usable speed to over 30,000 bps). Recomendations for the users
side of the modems will be given in a few days, but if you are
rushing to buy such a modem keep in mind that there are
inter-operability issues at this class of modems. If you buy a
modem which was not tested against our modems you might find
yourself with an unuseable modem with no-one to fix it.