
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Computation Center
News Bulletin #32 - 1/12/92
Today's topics:
- TEX announcement.
New TEX Macros Version for Electronic Submission of
Manuscripts to Journals in Physics published in the U.S.A:
A new and extended version (3.0) of REVTEX has been installed.
It is a joint macro developed jointly by:
The American Physical Society (APS)
The Optical Society of America (OSA)
The American Institute of Physics (AIP).
To get input instructions guide, type LATEX [name] (twice)
followed by DVIPS and PRINT commands:
TEX file name society Journals
MANAPS APS The Physical Review A
The Physical Review B
The Physical Review C
The Physical Review D
The Physical Review E
Physical Review Letters
MANOSA OSA Jour. of the Optical Society of America A
Jour. of the Optical Society of America B
Applied Optics
and Optics Letters
MANAIP AIP American Jour. of Physics
Computers in Physics
Jour. of Applied Physics
The Jour. of the Acoustical Soc. of America
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of Rheology
Jour. of Vacuum Science and Technology A
Jour. of Vacuum Science and Technology B
Medical Physics
Pubs. of the Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific
Physics of Fluids A
Physics of Fluids B
Powder Diffraction
Rev. of Scientific Instruments
Please apply to micky@cc.huji.ac.il in case you have any problem in
using these macros.