
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #23
Today's topics:
- Hebrew support.
- Mathematical libraries bug (reminder).
o Hebrew support: We are trying to implement Hebrew in our systems
wherever it is possible. It will take time (and a lot of troubles)
until it is implemented properly on all relevant utilities. We'll
discuss here from time to time the new products and software
packages that support Hebrew. A list of all these products is
placed in GUIDES$:HEBREW.TXT and being updated from time to time.
Currently we have on the VAX a Hebrew-EDT (HEDT which is similar to
EDIT but contains only a subset of its commands), Hebrew display
programs and Hebrew mail. Hebrew is also supported on some
Xterminals and workstations (see details bellow). For Unix we'll
have soon a Hebrew editor written by the Technion called VI.IV. It
will be accompanied with other supporting software to display and
process the Hebrew text.
The file GUIDES$:HEDT.TXT contains the instructions how to use
HEDT. This file can only be displayed on the terminal and cannot be
printed. HEDT works only using 8-bit Hebrew and can be used on
VT-220 and compatible terminals. The file generated is stored
exactly as it is seen on the screen. However, some applications
need the file to be at the reverse direction (like word processors,
Tex for example). The command REVERSE will do it for you (after
issuing the command PROVIDE HEBREW).
On Unix systems we will have soon the editor called VI.IV which
was written at the Technion, as was described above.
Hebrew files can be displayed on almost all terminal types
(even those not supporting 8-bit Hebrew) using the HEB command which
is defined by PROVIDE HEBREW command.
Hebrew is also supported on some sorts of windowing systems and
Xterminals. Currently, Hebrew is fully supported on DECstations,
VAXstations and Xterminals that load fonts from them (except from a
The Email system on the VAX/VMS and IBM/VM supports Hebrew
according to the Israeli Universities standard. Since not all
universities implemeted it yet, your ability to correspond in Hebrew
is quite limited at present.
Tex and LaTex supports Hebrew. The Unix version supports both
old code and new code, while the VMS version (to be announced soon)
supports only new code. For more details contact Rama
(RAMA@CC) or Michael (MICKY@CC).
o Mathematical library bug (a reminder for those that did not read the
login messages): A bug was found in the mathematical library
funstions ASIN, DASIND, ACOS, ACOSD and SQRT which is fixed now.
Users are requested to relink their mathematical programs. For
differentiation between the varaints of the above functions (each
one is a member of a larger family which is not infected) see HELP