
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #13
Today's topics:
- NETLIB description.
- Automatic mail forwarding.
- InterNet resource guide.
- MS2 printer is now connected to the VAX.
o Netlib: This is a library of various mathematical and statistical
routines which is being updated from time to time to include new
functions. This library is accessible via the BITnet (source code
is sent). The retrival is automatic and done using Email. The
guide GUIDES$:NETLIB.TXT describes the various routines there and
how to obtain them. If you need help, please contact Marian at
65-84937 or write to MARIAN@VMS.
o Automatic mail forwarding: If you set an automatic mail forwarding,
please use BMAIL for it rather than VMS/MAIL (or in addition to it).
This method is much more reliable and preserves the addresses, while
VMS/MAIL tends to ruin them under certain conditions. In order to
do it via BMAIL you must first execute the REGISTER command in it
(if you haven't used it before to receive your mail) and then use
the SET FORWARD command.
BMAIL let's you use more than one forwarding address; simply hit the
SET FORWARD command more than once. You can leave a local copy by
using the keywork LOCAL as an address. DO NOT USE YOUR REAL LOCAL
o InterNet resource guide: As you know, we are already connected to
the InterNet and have connection to a lot of services and databases
we didn't have before; but how do you know about these services and
how to access them? There is a guide, which is called "The Internet
Resource Guide" which lists some of these services. This guide is
updated constantly, and can be viewed at the VMS group in the Taylor
building. In the future we might place it also in the GUIDES$
directory, but at present you have to visit us in order to search in
o MS2 printer: This printer is now connected to the VAX. In order to
print on it use the standard PRINT command with the /QUE=MS2
qualifier. You can also print on it directly from HUJVIM1 using the
standard print procedure (do not use SENDFILE as in the past as it
won't work).