
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #11
Today's topics:
- DECus library.
- Printer forms defined.
- New guides available.
- ALIBFTN is available on the VAX.
- IP line usage.
o DECus library - DECUS is the user's group of DEC systems. This group
collects various software peices written by its members. A copy of
some of the recent tapes is available under PUBLIC$ directory. Enter:
$ DIR PUBLIC$:[000000]
to see the list of directories available there. Then go through the
directories tree and look in the AAREADME files. These files describe
the contents of the directory and should be read first.
You may find a few files with extension .BCK_LZW; these are compressed
files. In order to use them, you have first to uncompress them and
then use BACKUP to extract the files from them. In order to
uncompress the files, issue the following commands:
$ UNCOMPRESS file-name.BCK_LZW file-name.BCK
Then use BACKUP to extract the files from the .BCK file (note that you
have to append /SAVESET to the .BCK filename). Please delete the
.BCK_LZW and .BCK files after extracting the files from them (and
preferably store these temporary files on TEMP$).
NOTE: These are public domain programs. Hence, we have no guarantee
that they work, nor that they don't cause any harm to your files.
o Printer forms. The Printronix printer is finally back with us. Print
jobs sent without any queue name are routed to it, while you need the
qualifier /QUEUE=TAYLOR in order to print your job on the user's
printer at the entrance to Taylor building.
A few special forms and setups has been defined for the printers.
These forms and setups allow you to specify some special
characteristics for your job (like condensed printout, or using 8
lines per inch instead of the default 6 lines per inch), or allows you
to use special paper. In the latter case, your job waits in the queue
untill the correct paper type is installed on the printer.
In order to use some special form, you should append the
/FORM=form-name to your PRINT command. The default form (available on
both printers) uses the standard paper (13" wide) at a density of 10
characters per inch (thus having up to 132 characters per line) and 6
lines per inch (total of 66 lines per page). The printer jumps to a
new page after 63 lines in order to skip the perforation lines.
The following forms are currently defined (inside the paratences are
listed the queues that support it):
CONDENSED_15 (PRINTRONIX) - The characters are more condensed and
there are 15 characters per inch. This allows about 195 characters in
a line. There are still 66 lines per page.
EIGHT_LINES (PRINTRONIX, TAYLOR) - The lines are compressed and 8
lines are printed per inch (totaling to a little less than 88 lines
per page). The characters' pitch is left 10 characters per inch.
EIGHT_CONDENSED_15 (PRINTRONIX) - This is a combination of the above
two forms.
HEBREW_OLD (TAYLOR) - Prints the lower case characters as Hebrew. on
TAYLOR this is the only way to print Hebrew. On the printronix you
must use the new Hebrew code which allows you to print both Hebrew and
English (lower case and upper case).
NOTE: you have to reverse the line's direction by your own.
LABELS (PRINTRONIX) - This form is intended for labels (stickers)
paper. The job waits until the operators will place the correct paper
type. Please coordinate the usage of this paper in advance with the
operators. The densities used are 10CPI and 6LPI.
In order to keep the facit printer (TAYLOR queue) free for small jobs
and immediate pick-up, the queue is limited to 200 blocks. All files
larger than this limit will simply wait and will not be printed
(unless the operators route it manually to the Printronix).
o GUIDES: The guides in the GUIDES$ directory are being updated once in
a while and new guides are placed. These guides are simple text files
which you can view with TYPE or EDIT. In order to see the list of
guides simply use the command:
and to see a guide (for example, to look in the BITnet nodes list):
Note that there is no utility like the NOS's GUIDE one. You can
either look in the files at the above directory or use the HELP
command to get a more concise help about other topics.
o ALIBFTN - This package which was available on the CDC is now available
on the VAX after Marian has converted it and adapted it to the VAX/VMS
environment. The guide which describes how to use it and gives a
short description of the library's routines is available in
IMPORTANT: You must compile your program with /G_FLOAT when using
this library.
o FTP to abroad - When the line was first announced, people were
requested to not do large FTP transfers during the day hours and use
BITFTP for large files. Please follow this request and don't say "I
am the only one who do it now" because you are not the only one...
The guide GUIDES$:IP_ANNOUNCE describes the rules and restrictions
that you are requested to follow when using the IP line.