
**** The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ****
**** Computation Center ****
News Bulletin #9
Today's topics:
- New local guides.
- IP link to NyserNet officially announced.
o New local guides: The directory GUIDES$ contains a machine readable
format of some of the local guides. Currently the following guides
can be found there:
IP_ANNOUNCE.TXT - Announcement of the IP link to U.S.A.
BITNET.TXT - list of all BITnet nodes (updated once a month).
From time to time new guides will be placed there.
o The IP link to the U.S.A has now been officially announced: the IP
link is open for use by everyone. The problem that prevented some
systems here from accessing it has been fixed, and you should be able
to access now almost any InterNet node, needing only its InterNet name
to access it.
Please read the guide GUIDES$:IP_ANNOUNCE.TXT before using that
line. It describes the "don't" and "do" when using that line and you
are requested to follow the suggestions there.