
**** Computation Center news bulletin #2 ****
I've noticed a few common mistakes done by people using the Email system
on the VAX, thus I want to clear up a few things.
The MAIL command is the VMS native mailing system which is not BITnet
oriented. Hence, BITnet mail has been "forced up" on it by using the BITNET%
mechanism. This mechanism should be used only when sending BITnet mail from
VMS/MAIL. When you use BMAIL, you should never hit the BITNET% or soround the
address with quotations marks. Similarly, no JNET%, SMTP% or anything else
should be used (we do not run here JNET).
Sometimes people hit the subject incorrectly into the CC field. You can
remove this "unwanted CC" by using the H option (Header editing) and
removing specific addresses.
And finally, to remind you about the MAILIST program: This program is
BITnet oriented, and allows more flexibility while sending, replying or
forwarding BITnet mail.