
Computation center news bulletin #1
*****VAX 6330 (VMS operating system)*****
During the past few months we have installed quite a few programs
and software packages on the VAX 6330. Following is a list describing
the programs/packages. The advisors will be happy to explain how to
use those products. Call the advisors at 65-84848 during advice hours:
Sunday through Thursday, 08:00-16:00. Some of the software packages were
studied more throughly by a specific advisor, in which case we note
his/her name and phone number.
1. Compilers
PASCAL |-Details in the on-line help, and the Introduction guide.
C -|
1. Statistics
SAS - For details call Marian-65-84937.
SPSSX - will be installed in the very near future. For details call Rama-65-84408.
2. Mathematical Routines
IMSL - A library of mathematical and statistical Fortran routines.
For details perform HELP IMSL. For advice on using the routines,
call Marian-65-84937.
NUMERICAL RECIPES - The source of the routines of the book has been placed in
four text libraries on directory UTIL$: DATA, DEMOS, MISC, RECIPES.
Use the librarian utility to list the routines and to extract them.
The recipes routines has been also compiled into an object code. In order
to link with them, append to your link command: +UTIL$:RECIPES/LIBR
3. Graphics
SAS/GRAPH - For plotting via the SAS package. For details call Marian-65-84937.
MONGO - Simple plotting routines. For details perform HELP LOCAL MONGO.
4. Communications
TELNET - Perform TELNET followed by the name of the computer you want to
log-in to.
FTP - Perform FTP followed by the name of the computer you want to send/
get files to/from.
KERMIT - Perform KERMIT to start.
5. TeX
TeX, LaTeX - and all the other goodies. For details call Edna-65-84294.
6. Electronic Mail
BMAIL - To send mail to BitNet addresses. Perform BMAIL, and consult the
on-line help.
MAILIST - To read and organize incoming mail. Read a more detailed description
at a later section of this bulletin.
7. Miscellaneous
MAKE - Similar to the UNIX MAKE utility. For details perform HELP LOCAL MAKE.
DCALC - A desk calculator. Perform RUN UTIL$:DCALC to activate.
LSEDIT - A language sensitive editor. For details call Edna-65-84294.
B. New EMAIL system
Up to now, you could receive all your incoming BITnet and InterNet mail via
the VMS/MAIL. This user interface is very convinient and friendly, but has one
drwaback: it is oriented toward DECnet networks, and not toward BITnet and
InterNet. Thus, when we want to send mail from it, we have to exit DecNet
explicitely, by specifying BITNET% and the beginning of the receipient's
address, and enclosing the receipient's address in double quotes. To overcome
these problems, a new user interface has been introduced, called MAILIST.
This program resembles the CDC's MAILIST program with the addition of folders.
It also has the advantage of being able to display (and sometimes also send)
Hebrew mail.
If you want to use it, please read the last chapter of the Email guide
which is placed in the Taylor building. Copies of this guide have been sent to
the departments, and you should be able to find it in your department's
library. The first part of this guide describes BITnet and InterNet, and the
second part describes the local mailing system.
You can also obtain the information about MAILIST by performing
Note: Mail sent to you via VMS/MAIL will still have to be read with the MAIL
command. Other mail will be received with the MAILIST command.
When using MAILIST, you have to type the full keyword MAILIST. Any shortcuts
will activate VMS/MAIL.